
ABOUT soac/ 關於

Credit/ BIOS talent
Photographer/ Sparko Studio

原本從事網路與品牌行銷和平面設計工作,因緣際會踏入料理的世界而不可自拔,從此著迷於異國的道地家常菜色與鍋碗瓢盆裡。喜歡結交各地會料理的朋友,一起做菜、一起大口吃飯、一起喝酒,這些在家聚餐的片刻對 Soac 來說是休息也是充電,更是永遠不會退的癮頭。擅長地中海、泰國、墨西哥等異國家鄉料理以及甜點烘焙,並轉化成在家裡也容易操作的烹飪方式。曾任職於 4F COOKING HOME 廚藝教室總監長達五年,目前為 TLC 旅遊生活頻道《雙廚出任務》主持人、華視《小廚當家》節目評審與自由料理人。2015 年與 Joël 以《雙廚出任務》第二季榮獲第 50 屆金鐘獎綜合節目主持人獎。

Soac Liu, a renowned Taiwanese celebrity chef, television personality and food writer. After graduating from university, he started working as a graphic designer and marketing specialist, but later on found his passion in cooking. He then embarked upon his cooking career as director of operations at 4F Cooking Home for five years. In 2013, Soac moved on to the television screen and hosted Kitchen Cook-off, a Discovery Travel and Living Channel program, along with his co-host Joël Chen. In 2015, he served as a judge on the CTS of Kids Kitchen. Soac specializes in exotic cuisines, such as Mediterranean, Thai and Mexican.In 2015, Soac and Joël won the Best Host in a Comprehensive Programme at the 50th Golden Bell Awards.

